Butteypaa Officer & Committee Positions

Chair (Officer) 

  • 2 years

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Steps/Traditions of AA

  • Must be 18 years or older for banking purposes

  1. Solid understanding of the committee bylaws. 

  2. Willing to dedicate a large amount of personal time to the commitment. 

  3. Responsible for the overall function of the committee. 

  4. Reviewing the agenda with the Secretary before distributing the agenda will help make sure that all old business and other issues are included in the agenda.

  5. Opens and maintains meetings in a reasonable order. 

  6. States and puts to a vote all motions properly seconded. 

  7. Announce the results of all votes. 

  8. Keeps up to date with committee and subcommittee activities in order to guide and steer. 

  9. Signer on all BUTTEYPAA accounts. 

  10. Takes on responsibilities for positions or tasks that aren’t getting done, by either delegating or taking the responsibility for that position or task. 

Co-Chair (Officer) 

  • 1 year 

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  • Must be 18 years or older for banking purposes

  1. Assists Chair in all duties and completes tasks as delegated. 

  2. Runs business meetings in the absence of the chair. 

  3. Keep track of those who wish to speak in the order they raise their hands during business meetings. 

  4. Takes on responsibilities for positions or tasks that aren’t getting done, by either delegating or taking the responsibility for that position or task. 

Treasurer (Officer)  

  • 2 years 

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  • Must be 18 years or older for banking purposes

  • 2 year commitment

  • *Also see General Procedures

  1. Keeps accurate financial records of all committee transactions. 

  2. Controls flow of money pursuant to committee approval.  

  3. Gives financial reports at committee meetings. 

  4. Submits financial statements quarterly. 

  5. Has in their possession at the committee meeting all bank/venmo statements, deposits and checkbooks, in order to be prepared to make deposits and disbursements. (once we have a bank account) 

  6. Maintains all accounts, which are subject to inspection at any time. 

  7. One of four signatures on all bank accounts.

  8. Maintains the post office box and checks at least once a month. (When we get a post office box) 

  9. Receives and records money at BUTTEYPAA events or delegates to the co-treasurer.

  10. Responsible for making sure that the basket gets passed and suggested donations are collected.

  11. Responsible for paying bills in a timely manner. Must have stable financial income. 

Co-Treasurer (Officer) 

  • 1 year 

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  • Must be 18 years or older for banking purposes

  1. Assists Treasurer and completes tasks as delegated.  

  2. Attend all event subcommittees to present a financially conscious viewpoint and to help with planning the budget. 

Secretary (Officer) 

  • 1 year 

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Secretary will write the agenda for each business meeting. Reviewing the agenda with the Chair and Co-Chair before distributing the agenda to help make sure that all old business and other issues are included in the agenda.

  2. Responsible for recording minutes of all BUTTEYPAA business meetings. Provides previous meeting minutes via email for the approval of the committee. 

  3. Responsible for furnishing information from records upon request.

  4. Maintains attendance records of elected members & members-at-large. Responsible for notifying Chair/Co-Chair of absences. 

  5. Maintains committee contact list. Send out roster to committee via Google Drive when updated. Suggestion of also sending .csv files if requested.

  6. Works with Web Master to answer all correspondence promptly. 

Bylaws Chair (Officer) 

  • 1 year 

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Maintains committee bylaws. 

  2. Responsible for enforcing and maintaining these rules of procedure. 

  3. Distributes an updated copy of the bylaws to each newly elected committee member and distributes copies to all members-at-large who request one. 

  4. Brings a copy of the bylaws to each business meeting to ensure the meeting is being conducted by BUTTEYPAA’s procedures. 

  5. Conducts an introductory Bylaws course at the beginning of the term for newly elected Chairs, and schedules additional courses for all members elected for partial terms. 

  6. Conducts a bylaws review meeting at the end of each committee term. 

  7. Will find an outside facilitator for annual Group Inventory. 

Events Chair (Officer) 

  • 1 year 

  • Have a Sponsor

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Finds locations and arranges events that promote unity and recovery. May include online platforms.

  2. Responsible for creating and running event subcommittee meetings where events will be planned.

  3. Presents a full proposal from the event subcommittee meetings to the BUTTEYPAA committee at a regularly scheduled business meeting for approval. The proposal should always include: 

    1. Date, Time, and Location 

    2. Theme (Ideas) 

    3. Proposed Budget 

  4. Works closely with the Graphics Chair to create event flyers. 

  5. Have contact information on all event flyers. 

  6. Maintain and utilize various social media outlets. (Facebook, Instagram) 

Events Co-Chair

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Works closely with the Events Chair to carry out or delegate any duties that are deemed necessary to ensure BUTTEYPAA events run smoothly. 

  2. Coordinates co-hosts for BUTTEYPAA meetings/events. 

  3. Organizes and executes event co-hosting with other YPAAs. 

  4. Before agreeing to co-host an event, a minimum of three active members of BUTTEYPAA will need to commit to be present for the full duration of the event. Only if the committee asks for expenditures, a vote must be brought to a business meeting prior to the agreement of the event. 

  5. Have contact information on all event flyers. 

  6. Maintain and utilize various social media outlets. (Facebook, Instagram)

Facilities Chair (Officer)

  • 1 year 

  • Have a sponsor

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Maintains a list of all previously used and potential event sites with pertinent information including, if available: contacts, capacity, capabilities and restrictions. 

  2. **If we Bid**

  3. Researches and forges relationships with possible hotels/sites in the area. 

  4. Secures bids from two or more hotels/sites that would accommodate the needs of an event. d. Works in collaboration with the Events Chair and recruits any help necessary to contact and negotiate with hotels. 

Programs Chair (Officer)

  • 1 year 

  • Have a sponsor

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA  

  1. Shall fulfill, or work closely with subcommittees to fulfill, the AA meeting obligations at BUTTEYPAA events (bring readings, find readers, choose meeting formats, assign 50/50 raffle volunteers). 

  2. Responsible for listening to speaker tapes or coordinating with other YPAAs to schedule the speakers for BUTTEYPAA events, well in advance if necessary. 

  3. Fulfills the meeting Secretary position at events, or finds someone else to do so. 

  4. Runs, or finds someone to run, the sobriety countdown at speaker meetings (bring Big Book for sobriety countdown). 

Security Chair (Officer)

  • 1 year 

  • Have a sponsor

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA  

  1. Enforcement of Butteypaa Code of Conduct and Safety Statement.

  2. In charge of taking care of the venue for our events. 

  3. Makes a clean-up announcement during the meeting and conveys the rules and procedures the event venue asks us to follow. 

  4. Enforces those rules and makes sure the venue is cleaned up appropriately. 

  5. Recommended to have good conflict resolution skills. 

Outreach Chair (Officer) 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Shall have the responsibility to promote BUTTEYPAA events in accordance with 12 Traditions of AA. 

  2. Ensures BUTTEYPAA events and flyers are announced and posted once event information available to outside areas.  

  3. Creates outreach subcommittees to conduct such outreach efforts.

  4. Communicates all co-hosting opportunities with other YPAAs to our co-events chair. 

  5. Provides information regarding all upcoming YPAA events at our business meeting. 

  6. Develops and proposes an Outreach Plan for their term outlining how they propose to reach surrounding areas, (with specific focus on areas with little to no YPAA presence). 

  7. Must have access to a car. 

  8. Maintain and utilize various social media outlets. (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) 

  9. Works to build relationships with surrounding YPAAs by attending their events and encouraging others to join. 

Inreach Chair (Officer) 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Goes to local meetings and business meetings in the Butte County area and announces our events and offers our services. 

  2. Reaches out to young people and members of Alcoholics Anonymous and invites them to join BUTTEYPAA. 

  3. Maintain and utilize various social media outlets. (Facebook, Instagram) 

  4.  Must have access to a car. 

Paradise Liaison (Officer) 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Goes to local meetings and business meetings in Paradise/Maglia area and announces our events and offers our services. 

  2. Reaches out to young people and members of Alcoholics Anonymous and invites them to join BUTTEYPAA. 

Oroville Liaison (Officer) 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Goes to local meetings and business meetings in the Oroville/greater area and announces our events and offers our services. 

  2. Reaches out to young people and members of Alcoholics Anonymous and invites them to join BUTTEYPAA. 

Webmaster (Officer) 

  • 1 year 

  • Have a sponsor

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Maintains BUTTEYPAA’s digital archives, which includes: event flyers, meeting minutes, financial information, 

  2. bylaws, and all other BUTTEYPAA documents. 

  3. Responsible for furnishing records upon request from the digital archive/Google Drive. 

  4. Maintains and organizes the committee’s Google Drive. 

  5. Maintains and updates the committee’s online Google Event Calendar. 

  6. Maintains the BUTTEYPAA Facebook page, keeping it updated with event information and utilizing it for communication with other YPAAs. Moderates feed. 

  7. Works closely with the Outreach Chair to coordinate co-hosting of events with other YPAAs. 

  8. Works with the Secretary to answer all correspondence promptly and to the will of the committee

  9. Trains incoming officers for position and be available for questions and any help needed for 3 months. 

Graphics Chair 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Designs event flyers, finalize the designs with the Chair, Events Chair and one other committee officer prior to printing and distribution.

  2. Prints and disburses all event flyers and materials to outreach chairs and BUTTEYPAA members for wider distribution, (a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event).

  3. Designs merch, banner and logos to be approved at BUTTEYPAA business meetings. 

  4. Designs and prints signs for events.

Unity Chair 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Responsible for the planning and execution of (monthly) informal committee bonding events. 

  2. Provides information regarding the time and location of these events by the first business meeting of each month. 

  3. Responsible for the wrangling of volunteers to execute these unity events. 

  4. Not to use any BUTTEYPAA funds or announce at meeting level. 

  5. Must organize a minimum of 6 unity gatherings per term.

  6. At unity events no talk of business just fun!

  7. Works in collaboration with the Events chair. 

Communications Chair 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Utilizes mass texts and emails to notify all current BUTTEYPAA members of any upcoming subcommittee meetings, events, unity events, business meetings, and traditions studies including time and location information. 

  2. Utilizes mass texts and emails to send event flyers to all members on our Event mailing list.

  3. Assists in maintaining our contact lists. 

  4. These channels may not be used to distribute anything but AA related information within the spirit of the Traditions. 

  5. Must have a smart phone in working order and a computer with internet access. 

Prayer Chair 

  • 6  months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Responsible for reminding BUTTEYPAA members of the spiritual element of our service work during our business meetings. 

  2. Has full authority to stop committee meetings for prayer at any time, (usually in the event that personalities start to precede principles). 

  3. Responsible for opening our business meetings with a prayer and closing them with the responsibility statement. 

Service Chair 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Responsible for keeping BUTTEYPAA updated on all opportunities for service with local groups by attending their business meeting, where applicable, and offering our availability to be of service, (Quarterly speaker meeting, unity day, Almanor Campout). 

  2. Responsible for wrangling in volunteers and executing group service efforts at agreed upon events.

  3. Plans and organizes participation for WACYPAA and ACYPAA marathon meeting and hospitality room time slots. 

Hospitality Chair 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Shows up for each event and business meeting 30 minutes early to set up coffee and refreshments. 

  2. Coordinates the purchase and sale of snacks, drinks and supplies for BUTTEYPAA events.

  3. Performs inventory before and after all events. 

  4. Coordinates and executes any co-hosting hospitality responsibilities. 

  5. Responsible for storage of all food and supplies.

  6. Assists in formulating a budget for event proposals. 

Accessibility Chair 

  • 6 months

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Shall coordinate with the Events and Program Chairs to ensure that event attendees with special needs know what services are available for them. 

  2. Shall arrange for special needs to be met whenever possible.

Weekly Speaker Meeting
Birthday Person

  • 24 hours

  • 3 month commitment

  1. Attends weekly meetings.

  2. Announces sobriety birthday count.

Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) Liaison Chair 

  • 1 year

  • 1 year commitment

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Attend monthly H&I business meetings.

  2. Report back to BUTTEYPAA the needs/services of H&I. 

General Service Representative (GSR) Chair 

  • 1 year 

  • 2 year commitment

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Attend District meetings.

  2. Attend Area Assembly. 

  3. Report back to BUTTEYPAA the needs/services of the Districts and Area Assembly. 

North Valley Intergroup (NVIG) Liaison Chair 

  • 1 year 

  • 1 year commitment

  • Must have completed a 5th step and have knowledge of the 12 Traditions of AA 

  1. Attends monthly NVIG meetings. 

  2. Report back to BUTTEYPAA the needs/services of NVIG.

Weekly Speaker Zoom Meeting Secretary

  • 6 months

  • 3 month commitment

  1. Leads the Butteypaa Weekly Meeting on Sunday Nights at 8:00PM via Butteypaa’s Zoom.

  2. Responsible for finding a Speaker each week.

  3. Opens zoom room 10 minutes prior to meeting.

  4. Keeps meetings on track and in order.