Member Stories

Anonymous stories of experience, strength and hope. Written by Butteypaa members.

The following stories are offered for the alcoholic that still suffers.

In accordance with AA’s 11th tradition, all stories are written anonymously. Details that could identify the author have been removed. Any statements made are the sole opinions of the author and may or may not reflect the opinions of AA World Services. No part of these stories may be reprinted without express written consent.

So there I was.
Buttey Paa Buttey Paa

So there I was.

I was absolutely filled with fear because, for the first time, I was going to have to figure out how to get through a day without the only coping mechanisms I had.

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Recovery from alcohol (and anxiety).
Buttey Paa Buttey Paa

Recovery from alcohol (and anxiety).

Today I have more peace and serenity and the least amount of anxiety that I've ever had in my whole life, WITHOUT taking any narcotics, benzos, or mind altering substances.

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You won’t find this in the self-help section.
Buttey Paa Buttey Paa

You won’t find this in the self-help section.

Maybe as you identify with the person talking you’ll relax just a little bit more into your chair. And as you look around the room, you might notice that the people here are some of the happiest people on earth.

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